Installing an SSL Certificate: Windows IIS (All Versions)

Installing an SSL Certificate IIS 5 & 6

1. Open the IIS management console and select the web site in the left pane, right click and select 'Properties'.

IIS 5 & 6 Web Site Properties

2. Go to the 'Directory Security' tab and then click the 'Server Certificate' button, this will start the ssl certificate installation wizard.

IIS 5 & 6 Web Site Directory Security

3. Select 'Proccess the pending request...' radio button and click next to continue.

IIS 5 & 6 Web Site SSL Certificate Wizard

4. Browse to the location of the saved Certificate Authority response (.cer) and continue to follow the ssl certificate installation wizard until complete.

Installing an SSL Certificate IIS 7

1. Open the IIS 7 management console and select the server name in the left pane.

2. Find the 'Server Certificates' icon in the center panel of the management console.

IIS 7 SSL Certificate Menu

3. Open 'Server Certificates' and select the previously created certificate request and click 'Complete Certificate Request' from the right side actions menu.

IIS 7 Complete SSL Certificate Request

4. Browse to the location of the saved Certificate Authority response (.cer) and type in a friendly name for the ssl certificate and click 'OK'.

IIS 7 Select CA Response

5. Once complete, browse to the web site the certificate will be used for, right click on the site name and select 'Edit Bindings' or click on 'Bindings' on the right side action menu.

IIS 7 Edit Site Bindings

6. Select the 'https' binding and then click the 'Edit' button.

IIS 7 Edit SSL Site Binding

7. Select the ssl certificate from the drop down list to use with the web site.

IIS 7 Select SSL Certificate

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