Exporting an SSL Certificate IIS 7
1. Open the IIS 7 management console and select the server name in the left pane.
2. Find the 'Server Certificates' icon in the center panel of the management console.
3. Open 'Server Certificates' and select the certificate for exporting, right click and select 'Export' from the menu. Alternatively you can select the certificate and click 'Export' from the right side actions menu.
4. Choose a location to save the ssl certificate export and also enter a password for the ssl certificate. The password entered will be required when importing.
Importing an SSL Certificate IIS 7
1. Open the IIS 7 management console and select the server name in the left pane.
2. Find the 'Server Certificates' icon in the center panel of the management console.
3. Open 'Server Certificates' and click 'Import' from the right side actions menu.
4. Browse to the location of the ssl certificate you are importing into the server and enter the password used during the export process.
Exporting Exchange SSL Certificate
1. Open the Exchange management console and select 'Server Configuration' in the left pane.
2. Locate the ssl certificate in the bottom center window of the management console, right click on the ssl certificate you are exporting and select 'Export Exchange Certificate' or click the the same link in the right side actions menu.
3. Browse to a location to save the exported exchange certificate and provide a password which will be required when importing.
Importing Exchange SSL Certificate
1. Open the Exchange management console and select 'Server Configuration' in the left pane.
2. Right click in the empty part of the Exchange Certificates window pane and select 'Import Exchange Certificate' or click on the link in the right side action menu.
3. Browse to the location of the exported exchange ssl certificate and enter the password used when exporting the certificate previously.