How to Verify an SSL Certificate Information

There may be instances where you will want to verify the SSL certificate information for a particular website. Whenever you view a secure webpage, you will be able to access the information for the SSL certificate being used which will provide the following information:

- the party the SSL certificate is issued to (website).
- the party who issued the SSL certificate (certificate authority).
- the date the SSL certificate was issed on and the expiry date.
- the SSL certificate encryption level (RSA bits)
- the SSL certificate serial number
- the SSL certificate status

Google Chrome

1. Locate the green padlock in the left side of the address bar.

SSL Certificate Secure Padlock

2. Left click on the green padlock and click on the 'Connection' link in the dropdown box.

SSL Certificate Connection Information

3. Left click on the 'Certificate Information' link and a new window will popup showing the SSL certificate information.

Chrome Certificate Information Window

Mozilla Firefox

1. Locate the padlock in the left side of the address bar. 

Firefox secure icon

2. Click on the padlock to see the SSL certificate security dropdown.

Firefox SSL Certificate Connection Information

3. Left click on the 'More Information' button in the dropdown to open the SSL certificate security window.

Firefox SSL Certificate Security Window

4. Left click on the 'View Certificate' button and a new window will popup showing the SSL certificate information.

Firefox SSL Certificate Window

Internet Explorer

1. Locate the padlock in the right side of the address bar.

Internet Explorer SSL Certificate Pad Lock

2. Click on the padlock to see the SSL certificate security dropdown.

Internet Explorer SSL Connection Information

3. Left click on the 'View certificates' link and a new window will popup showing the SSL certificate information.

Internet Explorer Certificate Information Window

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