How to Register a Domain

1. Search for a Domain Name

Type the domain name and TLD extension you would like to register and select Check Availability button. If you would like to register more than one TLD, click on the Search Multiple TLDs button to expand the TLD selection options.

domain name search

2. Choose TLDs and Registration Length

If the domain name searched is available, you will be presented with an order domain name option for the available TLDs searched as well as registration length options.

ca domain name registration

3. Choose Domain Configuration Options

Fill in the appriate information below, we recommended selecting DNS management in order to manage your DNS through us if you do not currently manage DNS elsewhere. If we will be managementing DNS for your domain name, the default name servers below will be used. If you choose to manage your DNS elsewhere you can enter your DNS servers below or choose to enter them later in DNS options under domain management.

domain name registration

4. Verify the Domain Purchase

Verify on the order summary page that domain options and length are correct. Choose to contine shopping or checkout to continue the order process.

order domain name

5. Complete the Domain Name Purchase

If this is the first time ordering a product or service from, you will be required to complete the order form including personal details and also the payment option. Once the form is completed, select the 'Complete Order' button and this will process the payment as well as create an account with the details provided.

order domain name

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