How to Update Administrative or Technical Contact Information

When registering a domain, by default we use the main account profile contact information for the administrative and technical contacts.

This information can be easily modified at any time from within your account.

Select “My Domains” from the “Domains” drop down menu:

Update Domain Name Contact Info

This will display all your domains. Select the “Manage Domain” button next to the domain you wish to update the contact information for. This will bring you to the management section for this domain.

Manange Domain Name

Select the “Contact Information” option from the “Management Tools” drop down menu as shown below.

Domain Name Management

You will then be presented with the Registrant, Administrative, and Technical contacts for your domain. On this page you can edit this contact information for each of these contact types.

Domain Name Contact Management

If you wish to update the contact information for more than one domain, use the bulk update feature described below:


The process is very similar to above however you would select the check box to the left side of each domain you want to update and then select the “With Selected” drop down menu to view the bulk update features.

Domain Name Bulk Actions


Select the “Edit Contact Information” option from the “With Selected” drop down. This will take you to the same page as above for editing the contact information, but will list all the domains you have selected and will edit the Administrative or Technical Contacts for all the domains listed at the same time.


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