Registrations, Renewals and Transfers.
.COM provides businesses with a recognized, credible and dependable Web domain. The .com domain has endured as the world's premier online identity. It is the most recognized and trusted around the world.
Growing and established companies should consider .com as a way to leverage the Internet to promote their brand and open their business to new customers around the world.
Important dates related to .COM domain names. Please keep in mind that these schedules and periods are exact.
Registration Periods: | 1Y,2Y,3Y,4Y,5Y,6Y,7Y,8Y,9Y,10Y |
Add Grace Period: | 0 |
Accounting Period: | 0 |
Finalization Period: | 44 days |
Failure Period: | 44 days |
Payment Period: | -61 days |
Deletion Restorable Period: | 30 days |
Deletion Hold Period: | 5 days |
Explicit Renewals: | Yes |
Renewal Periods: | 1Y,2Y,3Y,4Y,5Y,6Y,7Y,8Y,9Y |
Transfering in your .COM domain to is easy. Simply enter in the domain name in the search box above and select the transfer button on the results page.
Registry Transfer Details:
Transfer Periods: | 1 year |
Transfer Authcode required: | Yes |
Transfer Real Time: | No |
Transfer Pending Period: | 5 days |
Transfer Lock: | Yes |
Transfer Confirmation: | ICANN-FOA-REQUEST |
What is the Form of Authorization for .COM Transfers?
The FOA is a form completed and executed by the registrant (registered domain name holder) to confirm the intent to transfer a domain name. If a transfer has been initiated but the FOA is not completed the transfer of the domain will fail. Registrars transferring a domain can ONLY initiate a transfer after receiving the FOA, either from the registrant or the administrative contact for the domain.
For more information, please refer to our domain name FAQ.
If you need any assistance or have questions regarding a .COM domain registration, try searching our knowledgebase for .COM domain related topics, create a support ticket from within your account, or contact us by phone.